I’m an Associate Professor in the Cybersecurity Section at DTU Compute in Copenhagen, Denmark. My research focus is on (applied) secure computation as well as post-quantum zero knowledge protocols. Furthermore, I am interested into security for machine learning and secure protocol design using public ledgers.
Before starting on this position I have been an Assistant Professor and Postdoc at Aarhus University as well as a Postdoc at Bar Ilan University, Israel. I obtained my PhD in 2016 from Aarhus University.

In Fall 2024, I will teach Applied Cryptography (02232) at DTU.
In Spring 2023 and 2024 I was teaching in the Cryptography 1 (01410) and Network Security (02233) courses at DTU.
In the Fall 2022 and 2023 I was teaching the Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the DTU Masters program for Cyber security, alongside my colleague Luisa Siniscalchi.
In the Spring 2021 term I was teaching Optimization and Complexity together with Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen.
In the Fall 2020 term I have been teaching some parts of the Cryptographic Computing course at AU alongside Claudio Orlandi and Peter Scholl. I have also been teaching this course in the Fall 2021.
I’m currently supervising one PhD student (Chiara-Marie Zok).
Recently, my first PhD student Alexander Munch-Hansen graduated (co-supervised with Peter Scholl, Aarhus University).
If you are a DTU student and want to do a masters or course project with me, please reach out to my DTU e-mail seen below.
Media and Outreach
2024: Together with other experts, I’m trying to convince the European Commission to adopt Anonymous Credentials as part of the EUDI Wallet. I’ve also given a talk at the newtpqc workshop on FAEST, which you can see here.
2023: I’ve spoken to Danish media outlets about the dangers of on-device scanning of chat messages.
I gave a presentation about Secure Computation in Tel Aviv in 2018. Here is a link to the video.
Other Work
I’m a coauthor of the FAEST digital signature scheme which has been submitted to the ongoing NIST Post Quantum competition.
I organized a Summer School on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning together with Bernardo David from ITU Copenhagen in 2022. Click here for more information.
I’ve been a Program Committee member of ACNS 2017 & 2022, CCS 2019 Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning, CCS 2019 Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography ,The AAAI-20 Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence 2020 and 2021, IEEE ICME, LatinCrypt 2021, CCS 2021, ACISP 2021, PKC 2022, CRYPTO 2022, AsiaCrypt 2022, TPMPC 2022 & 2024, SCN 2024, CiC 2024.
My work is currently funded by a Villum Young Investigator starting grant (Project QUID-PRO).
Previously, I received funding from Open Philanthropy (project SecureDNA) and DARPA under the SIEVE program (project FROMAGER).
E-Mail: cabau at dtu dot dk
Twitter: @crypto_carsten
LinkedIn: carsten-baum
Office: Building 322, room 210 (DTU Lyngby Campus)